The difference between business success and business failure has more to do with effective self promotion than it has to do with technical competence. You can prove this. You can name a competitor who should not be allowed to practice . . . and yet has a bigger business than you do; and you can name a mentor whose experience and expertise you admire . . . who can build a business strong enough to send his kids to college and take his family on vacation three times a year.

So it's not knowing how to do the work that makes people beat a path to our door -- it's being able to profitably talk about work that attracts referrals and generates clients.

The ability to get the work is the business.

How to be the answer to
“Who should I use for . . .?”

Answers to the question “What do you do?” that result in referrals.

How to choose where to go.
What to do when you get there.

Best = Fun + Profitable

GateOpeners are the only way to have a credible claim to a referral based business.

Leverage: an advantage through use of a tool.

Don’t have time to read everything?
Look over my shoulder here.

Notice. Pay attention. Take action.
Here’s what I've been noticing.

Next up: Bulls-eye Networking


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