Just touching base

When I saw her name I smiled, it had been two years since we'd hugged. So I clicked, and began reading:

How nice.
Yes, me too.
Thank you for reaching out.

So this wasn’t really about staying connected, that was just an excuse to promote what you’re working on.

Hi Wendy,
    Just touching base with you to say hello and I hope that everything is going amazing for you!!  

What are you working on? What are you most excited about?  You know sometimes I get so caught up in my own events that I lose track of the rest of the world!  I want to make sure we are well connected!  

Just a reminder to go to my website and click on "Subscribe" and I will send you monthly tips to help you with your health and your business!  I call it walking in #MyHashtag!!  

Let me know!  Let's continue to walk in #MyHashtag together!!



PS: Here's a link to a video about me!

She started out well,
I was smiling
and poised to click reply.
Instead I hit unsubscribe and delete.

Now I can make a case that my reaction doesn't matter to her.

Her Best Clients responded by tweeting #MyHashtag, watching the whole video twice, then subscribing to her newsletter. The fact that I didn't only means I don't match her Best Client profile.

Unless I do. And they didn't. In that case she's invested hours and dollars in futile effort.


Ed called Friday to ask if he had to write handwritten notes, or if he could follow through with an autoresponder service.

I read him the email.
He sighed. "That's what I thought."

Effective follow through is about them.
That makes it profitable to you.