The Genius Key To Business Success

It it unethical for a business to spend any marketing dollars, or any marketing time, or any marketing effort, on any other than its best clients.
— attributed to Peter Drucker

Assume for the next three minutes that this is true.
Think about why.

Start with the reasons you have a business:
1. to provide for your family
2. to generate value through your gifts and talents
3. to achieve your own highest and best use.

Now think about the results
when you work with clients
who don't qualify as best:

  • You make less money than you could - both because the client's budget doesn't cover your expenses and profit and because they take additional time.
  • You work harder and longer - which means you arrive home exhausted, with less to give to your family, and spend less time being  regenerated by them.
  • The niche is self populating: you earn a reputation for serving these types of clients, and they send you their friends, who are just the same.
  • You're never doing your own best work.


What happens when you follow the Best Client rule?
When you only market to prospects who are both profitable and fun to work with?

  1. Best Clients are happy to pay for your knowledge as well as your time. Your business is profitable. You have the resources and the time to care for and be with your family.
  2. Best Clients value your work. They are loyal to you and proud of you.
  3. Best Clients demand your A game. They expect more from you, applaud the best in you, and cheerfully refer to you.

And this is why the Best Client rule is genius.
What all marketing money, time and effort is directed toward Best Clients, there's only one possible result: success.



Photo courtesy of Sasquatch I