Best Client Work Comes Before GateOpeners

Just got this email from Anne:

BTW, I just had an AHA about my GateOpeners: I should think less of who, in general, COULD be GateOpeners for me and instead think MUCH MORE about where and with whom my Best Clients hang out and who they trust. 
Which means, these GateOpeners may not be my natural affinity because in a lot of ways my Best Client is the opposite of me. 
So I should be cultivating pastors of less liberal churches because this is where my Best Client hangs out.
Guess it is time to test my assumptions!

Could not have said this better myself.
In fact, I did say it in each of the 9 sessions Anne and I have had!
Which reinforces the adult need for 11 repeats. {Children get it quicker.}

Read it again.
Doesn't matter who could refer clients to you;
GateOpeners are people your Best Clients take advice from.

Read it again.
Read it again.

Thank you, Anne!

Read it again . . .