I Do Love My Morning Coffee

Don't remember where I found out about MyMorningCoffee, probably on someone else's blog. [grin] And now I use it every day. MyMorningCoffee is a Firefox add-on [I do remember who told me about Firefox: Jeff Paige, thanks, Jeff.]

When I visit a web site I'd like to keep track of, [like - for instance - this one!] I just click the coffee cup icon in my Firefox toolbar, and select a day of the week. Each morning, when I click the MyMorningCoffee cup, the blogs and web sites I want to keep track of open in new tabs. I log in going to the gym on Joe's Goals and close the window; read the copy on Woot and close the window; move to Sid's blog, close the window; see how my friend Jon Schwartz is channeling Vinny Verelli, on to Sandy . . .

I do love MyMorningCoffee.

Photo courtesy of Neil Kremer