*Personality not included

I'm a BzzAgent

The Frogpond is a perk.
That's where I learned about Rohit Bhargava's book:

*Personality not included: Why Brands Lose Their Authenticity - And How Great Companies Get It Back.

I'm liking Bhargava's material for two reasons:

  • It's real. As he says in the forward, he's currently working in the industry. This is not a case study from one successful client. These are principles he uses daily.
  • His layout is fresh. He says most books peak in chapter six, so he ends the first section at chapter six, and included feet-on-the ground exercises and templates in the second half of the book. He references a tool in a chapter, (so I flip forward) ends the tool with a reference to another chapter (so I flip back) it's taking me a pack of post-its to keep my place!

Bhargava also included ten marketing techniques:

  • Curiosity Marketing
  • Karmic Marketing
  • Participation Marketing
  • Un-Whatever Marketing
  • Sensory Marketing
  • Antimarketer Marketing
  • Insider Marketing
  • Incidental Marketing
  • Useful Marketing [Members who have partipated in the GateOpener Workshop have explored this arena.]

Each technique begins with reasons to green light or red light the technique.

  • Un-Whatever gets a green light for businesses in a crowded marketplace; a red light if the product or service is only marginally different from competitors.

How fresh; what personality.
This work ties directly to InfoMinutes.
Great new material.
Can't wait to share it.

Photo courtesy of Paul Stocker